for PC

Play online with people all over the world! Can YOU become the longest player?
Published by  Lowtech Studios
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About For PC

Free download for PC Windows or MAC from BrowserCam. Lowtech Studios published for Android operating system(os) mobile devices. However if you ever wanted to run on Windows PC or MAC you can do so using Android emulator. At the end of this article you will find our how-to steps which you can follow to install and run on PC or MAC. was first launched as a website only game and it later launched the Android app as well. Given the immense popularity of the app right from the word go, it was obvious that the game would be played by millions of players around the world and they still play it!

With more than 100+ million active users can be considered as a highly addictive game, at least for us because we’ve played a lot of it till today. The game is all about being the largest slither against your competitor. Here’s everything you must know about the game!

#1. Play Against A.I

Offline gaming has improved a lot right after the A.I technology being implemented in each game. Same is the case with Slither.IO as it works on AI for offline gaming. Believe us, you will have fun playing with AI in offline mode as you will always be a step ahead in terms of thinking!

#2. Play Online!

Now this could be a challenging task for you as you never know who’s going to be your opponent. Getting a long slither or a smaller one is not that important, it’s all about surviving till your competitor loses the game. This is where most of the players fail to understand that it’s not all about making your slither long but it’s equally important to save the head of your slither from the other player!

#3. Save Your Head!

If your head touches the slither of another player, the game will be finished! That’s the only reason why we mentioned the importance of slither size and saving your head from the opponent's slither. So make sure you save your head from colliding.

#4. Make Them Run Towards You!

It’s not about saving yourself in the game but it’s about playing the game in such a way that the opponent runs towards you and collides his/her head into your slither. Once their head collides, it will be the end of the game for them. And then, you can happily enlarge your slither by eating their remains!

It’s simple but a tricky game to play overall. A lot of concentration is needed to win this game consistently! Download Android game on your devices now!

Let's find out the prerequisites to install on Windows PC or MAC without much delay.

Select an Android emulator: There are many free and paid Android emulators available for PC and MAC, few of the popular ones are Bluestacks, Andy OS, Nox, MeMu and there are more you can find from Google.

Compatibility: Before downloading them take a look at the minimum system requirements to install the emulator on your PC.

For example, BlueStacks requires OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only), Mac OS Sierra(10.12), High Sierra (10.13) and Mojave(10.14), 2-4GB of RAM, 4GB of disk space for storing Android apps/games, updated graphics drivers.

Finally, download and install the emulator which will work well with your PC's hardware/software.

How to Download and Install for PC or MAC:

  • Open the emulator software from the start menu or desktop shortcut in your PC.
  • You will be asked to login into Google account to be able to install apps from Google Play.
  • Once you are logged in, you will be able to search for and clicking on the ‘Install’ button should install the app inside the emulator.
  • In case is not found in Google Play, you can download APK file and double clicking on the APK should open the emulator to install the app automatically.
  • You will see the icon inside the emulator, double clicking on it should run on PC or MAC with a big screen.

Follow above steps regardless of which emulator you have installed.