German Shepherd Wallpapers - amazing apps with more than 60 images.
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German Shepherd Wallpapers APK Description
German Shepherd Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Only images of german shepherd dogs! - Ability to have selected to install any picture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under!
Some interesting information about shepherd dogs:
The German Shepherd is a breed of large-sized working dog that originated in Germany. The breed's officially recognized name is German Shepherd Dog in the English language, sometimes abbreviated as "GSD", and was also formerly known as the Alsatian and Alsatian Wolf Dog in Britain. The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with their origin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, German Shepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding sheep. Since that time, however, because of their strength, intelligence, trainability and obedience, German Shepherds around the world are often the preferred breed for many types of work, including assistance, search-and-rescue, police and military roles, and even acting.
German Shepherd - dog breed originally used as a shepherd and search dogs.
The German Shepherd has been obtained as a result of breeding and crossbreeding varieties Gurtovaya some dogs in Central and Southern Germany. There are gladkoshёrstnuyu and longhair raznovidnosti.V nowadays German Shepherds are engaged in exhibition career, security, and also the family dog.
This working dog with a balanced, mobile type of conduct capable of varied training. The German Shepherd is the most successful, if there is one master, but its strong suit (as a service dog) is that it is very easy to change the home and are interested in working with the new. For example, a Rottweiler or Giant Schnauzer owners do not take the change, refuse to listen to new and old yearn for, but to the "Germans" are not affected. When patrol dogs you often, sometimes daily, to change the satellite, and then the German Shepherd - out of competition. It is able to execute commands without question any policeman, which now goes to the patrol. Curiously, this strong point "Germans" in the service, turns weak when it comes to home students.
The German Shepherd is one of three in the ranking of the most intelligent breeds.