Whenever we do the weekly shopping gives us too lazy, always have to write everything as clear as possible, then there is all messed up and we lost time in the supermarket going from side to side looking where the products we need are.
Follow these steps:
- In menu go to Shops, creates and assign a name.
- Sort items by dragging sections on the right side of each item.
- Return to the main screen lists and add a product, select quantity, unit and name.
- The products are ordering the criteria you chose for that store.
- If you create more shopping, you can assign a different store to that list and reorder products with the approach of the new store.
- The products are automatically added to a dictionary, so when you start to write your name and you press the suggestion fill the full name and automatically dials the category to which it belongs.
- If you mistakenly wrote some product incorrectly and want to correct it, go to menu / dictionary -> click on the product list to modify and can change the category and product name was misspelled.