Self Defense APK

Personal Defense and self-defense to repel aggressions.
Published by  Pedro RoCar
12  Ratings3  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-04-23
Latest Version2.0.0
Size5.05 MB
Android version4.4 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Self Defense APK screenshot 1Self Defense APK screenshot 1Self Defense APK screenshot 1

Self Defense APK Description

The history of hand-to-hand combat goes back to the origins of humanity, as an expression of natural rivalry, in fact superveinance is prior to man.

Personal Defense can be generic or specialized, being more effective the more adapted it is to the needs of each person, taking into account their characteristics, the type of aggressions they may suffer more frequently, etc. Personal Defense is the name to designate a defense program based mainly on techniques and sports such as Judo with some other inclusion of Aikido, Jujutsu and karate, is based mostly on proportionality trying to reduce the attacker causing the least possible damage , and is mainly focused on self defense of civilians and even defense of third parties.

Personal Defense is a set of technical-tactical skills aimed at preventing or repelling an aggression, carried out by oneself and oneself.

It also receives other names such as self-protection or personal safety, although these concepts have a larger scope, where it stands out mainly as a preventive component and prevents aggression.

Well said that, we present this new application dedicated solely and exclusively to the world of martial arts and self-defense, for which we have compiled a large number of tutorial videos in which all the exercises and techniques are explained to achieve a self-protection that we ensure the security we need in the face of any aggression.

In content of the App is composed mainly by:
-Taekwondo, and self-protection
-Techniques of karate
-How to avoid being hit on the floor
-Fight-to-body combat.
-Judo exercises
-Videos of new martial arts techniques
-Bumps for self-protection
-As to evoke aggressions
-Karate exercises
-Fighting techniques
-Exercise for your personal safety.

The App, has the following characteristics:
- The content is updated periodically, you will always have new self-training to train.
- It is translated into several languages ​​with videos of martial arts in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
- It marks you the videos already seen, in this way you save time in enjoying its content.
- You can share the videos of Judo through the social networks of the moment.
- The application is free, and very easy to install.
- You can give us feedback on the application, to study different improvement proposals.

Remember that this new application of Personal Defense and personal security is totally free of very easy installation and management, occupies very little space in your mobile or cell phone terminal, and in it you have at your disposal a lot of training videos of the best techniques of Karate, Judo and martial arts to avoid any kind of aggression.

Self Defense APK Versions

Latest Version

v 2.0.0
5.05 MB
Nov 30, 2018

Other Versions

v 1.0.0
4.64 MB
Apr 23, 2018