You can check out our Fruit Wallpaper and set them on all your mobile devices. Our catalog includes the best selections of different cool wallpapers for smart mobile phones. Personalize your homescreen with the beautiful wallpapers and have an unusual ambiance and mood on your phone.
The app features:
- contains wallpaper for mobile use - to set Fruit Wallpaper as background image - to save phone wallpapers to SD Card (memory card) - no need internet connection to view the wallpapers! - It is completely free - to share Fruit Wallpaper on social media - to share mobile wallpapers by email or different messaging apps installed on your phone
We have selected the best and most beautiful:
apple wallpaper strawberry wallpaper cherry wallpaper orange wallpaper banana wallpaper
and put them in our application.
PS 1: This is not a live Fruit Wallpaper application or a wallpaper hd app. But some of the images are hd wallpapers. PS 2: Do not forget to rate our app after using it.