Bluetooth Pinger APK

Bluetooth Pinger determines: who is near.
Published by  eGrego
10  Ratings3  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-03-24
Latest Version1.3
Size88.06 KB
Android version2.2 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Bluetooth Pinger APK screenshot 1Bluetooth Pinger APK screenshot 1Bluetooth Pinger APK screenshot 1

Bluetooth Pinger APK Description

This application determines the availability of bluetooth-enabled devices. Each unit is owned by a single person, so if this person is there, it can detect the presence on bluetooth. You can check for the presence of people in a crowd or in a disco on their bluetooth-enabled devices, which they took with them.

This program does not require that the remote device was paired with your phone. Just do not need it to work in the mode of visibility for all. Enough to on the remote device was just enabled bluetooth adapter.

If the phone to be added to the list is not near you, you can enter its MAC-address manually.

You can select preferred ping mode, that are supported by your device.

If you wish to organize a Bluetooth devices by groups, you can buy Bluetootn Pinger PRO

You can contact with developer for features request.

Bluetooth Pinger APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.3
88.06 KB
Mar 24, 2018