Sudoku APK

sudoku space is a popular logic-based numbers puzzles game
Published by  pan sudoku solitaire
1,560  Ratings319  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2015-07-14
Latest Version2.2
Size9.69 MB
Android version3.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Sudoku APK screenshot 1Sudoku APK screenshot 1Sudoku APK screenshot 1

Sudoku APK Description

sudoku space is a popular logic-based numbers puzzles game.
The aim of sudoku is to place 1 to 9 into each grid cell so that each number can only appear once in each row, each column and each mini-grid.
This is a simply easy-to-use sudoku game, with fresh and cool interface, very acceptable difficult levels, suitable for sudoku beginner to expert.
*sudoku have 10 stages, morn than 1999 levels.
*Hints to help you complete hard ones
*Selected digit highlighting, as specified in settings
enjoy our space sudoku !

Sudoku APK in Action

Sudoku APK Versions

Latest Version

v 2.2
9.69 MB
Jul 14, 2015