Sad Trombone Widget APK

Timing is - get help putting the final nail in your joke's coffin - everything.
Published by  Afraid of
25  Ratings4  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2013-04-29
Latest Version1.0.1
Size340.8 KB
Android version2.1 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Sad Trombone Widget APK screenshot 1Sad Trombone Widget APK screenshot 1Sad Trombone Widget APK screenshot 1

Sad Trombone Widget APK Description

Timing is...

Sure, you're funny. Yea, you can get some chuckles, but what you really need is that extra 'oompf'! Let Noise Widget give it to you. Right now you're all set up with "sad trombone". But really, what more do you need? Imagine the possibilities?! Imagine, if you will...

You're steps away from one of your patient's rooms at the hospital where you work. They've just regained consciousness after being put in a medically induced coma following a horrific accident that necessitated the amputation of their left arm. It has been two weeks since they were rushed into your care. It turns out a drunk driver smashed into their car coming home from late Sunday services at their church and this is the first you've been able to talk to them while they aren't in a drug-induced stupor.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Heights, I've been taking care of you since the accident. We had to amputate your arm after being crushed between the asphalt and your car frame. Also, I'm sorry to tell you... your daughter died after severe hemorrhaging in her abdomen caused a blood clot to lodge in her left ventricle."


Grab your phone, you've got a small window of opportunity! Right in that period of finishing your sentence and their comprehension of their new bleak, hollow, dystopian future - right before that fugue state takes hold - then you throw in a "waa waa waa waaaaaaaaah"; you've added a small ray of light into their soon overpowering deep depressive state. No food will ever taste good again, every song will remind them of their daughter, but when they replay that moment in their head for the millionth time they always crack a grin remembering your antics and impeccable timing. You end up getting a 5 star rating on your bedside manner in the patient exit survey, your boss takes note and promotes you to head of amputations! ALL BECAUSE OF NOISE WIDGET!!!

The power is all in your hands, your timing.

The patient killed themselves 3 months later.

Stuff I'm working on -
- Incorporating a small sound library and letting you pick which sfx will play (working on)
- Possibly allowing selection of the sound file from your file system
- Different options for the colour of the widget (I'm sorry my widgets are such an eyesore)
- Allowing widget to be used with the lock screen, never let your passcode slow you down (done, will be available next version, android 4.2+ required however)

Sad Trombone Widget APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0.1
340.8 KB
Apr 29, 2013