GoArmyEd APK

Info on the ACES centralized, automated, and virtualized TA processes and info.
Published by  TRADOC Mobile
80  Ratings30  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-03-23
Latest Version1.3.2
Size22.24 MB
Android version4.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


GoArmyEd APK screenshot 1GoArmyEd APK screenshot 1

GoArmyEd APK Description

***This has been branded as an Official U.S. Army app***

To provide information on the Army Continuing Education System (ACES) centralized, automated, and virtualized Tuition Assistance (TA) processes and info.

GoArmyEd APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.3.2
22.24 MB
Mar 23, 2018