The brand new Launcher for iPhone 7 is now on android and it's free. Get Launcher for iPhone 7 for free today with icon packs and HD wallpapers An amazing Launcher for iPhone 7that will make your phone look like ipad 10 and ios 10. Launcher for iPhone 7 is an excellent app for you to experience the iPhone 7 phone UI on your Android devices. Launcher for iPhone 7 will make your Android phone look like iPhone 7 phone
If you have any questions about Launcher for iPhone 7 , just feel free to let us know. Please contact us via Email.
Launcher for iPhone 7 supports icon packs and other launchers
Launcher for iPhone 7 contains more than dozens of wallpapers which you can use for your backgrounds.
To set this Launcher for iPhone 7 , please follow the below steps: -Tap on Launcher for iPhone 7 app icon -Tap on apply -Choose the launcher Users can change the wallpapers directly from the app icon, please follow the below steps: -Tap on Launcher for iPhone 7 icon -Tap on wallpaper -Choose the wallpaper for the background