Hong Kong News brings you the most popular newspapers from Hong Kong (香港) in Chinese (汉语/漢語). This is a fast and easy way to read the latest news. No unnecessary features, we keep it simple to you!
- Most popular newspapers.
- Automatically download latest news.
- Really fast app, and it won't drain your battery.
- Hong Kong News (新闻), Newspaper, Journal.
These are some of the available newspapers:
- 新浪
- 新闻中心_腾讯网
- 東方報業集團
- 明報
- 香港電台
- 九牧搜狐新闻
- 電腦領域 HKEPC Hardware
- 明報新聞網
- 香港政府新聞網
- House News
- 信報
- MSN 香港
- 台視新聞
- BBC中文網
- ET Net
- Goal
- 東方日報
- 太陽報
- 大纪元新闻网
- now 新聞
- 香港天文台
Do you want other newspaper on the list? Do you think that some newspaper should not be on the list? Need help? Write us
[email protected]Read the most popular newspapers from Hong Kong (香港).