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[email protected]Converts your audio files to other formats (aac, ac3, aif, flac, m4a, mp3, wav, wma, wv)
AUDIO CONVERTER ACCEPTS (INPUT) : - aac, ac3, aiff/aif, amr, AMR, flac, m4a, mp3, ogg, opus,wav, wma, wv
AND CAN ONLY CONVERT THE ABOVE FORMATS TO (OUTPUT): - aac, ac3, aif, flac, m4a, mp3, wav, wma, wv.
It has both single and batch converter. While all conversions are done in the background with a notification that displays conversion progress.
You can now set audio bit-rate, audio sampling rate and audio channel, under settings.
Audio Bitrate :-
320 kbps
256 kbps
192 kbps
160 kbps
128 kbps
96 kbps
64 kbps
32 kbps
16 kbps
12 kbps
8 kbps
6 kbps
Audio Sampling Rate :
32000 Hz
41000 Hz
48000 Hz
88200 Hz
96100 Hz
192000 Hz
Audio Channels :
# Ensure your Android device has a mounted SD Card with free space.
# Ensure your Android device has google play services installed.
***This app uses FFMPEG library.