Tracker APK

Tracker that sends location (GPS - Network) automatically to Internet / Web.
Published by  DiordnaApps
11  Ratings3  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2015-12-27
Latest Version1.3
Size1006.73 KB
Android version2.2 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Tracker APK screenshot 1Tracker APK screenshot 1

Tracker APK Description

The locator get all the latest positions of the device automatically so that they can be viewed from the web "" by the person or persons who have the generated code in the application.

The code generated by the locator is unique to each installation, so that you share the code with the people you want once is enough. If you reinstall the application code is restarted.

Locator specifically designed to maintain a person located remotely continuously and in real time. On outings, expeditions, trips, ect ...

The tracker can operate by detecting WiFi (accuracy 30 meters) as GSM location or by phone towers (accuracy 1 kilometer) or GPS (accuracy 5 meters). If a system is not available automatically uses available. If all systems are available that automatically uses the most accurate available location.

When you do not have Internet, locations are stored in the device list of all locations and as soon as connection is available all positions are sent immediately and automatically.

Designed to run in the background continuously. The only way to close it is pressing the X at the top.

From the website you can get the tracker 500 last positions. Positions that are older than ten days will be automatically deleted.

From the website you can download a gpx file containing the last 500 positions. This file can be imported into a GPS or open it with Google Earth for example.

Tracker APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.3
1006.73 KB
Dec 27, 2015