Emergency Alert APK

Do you think some one is following you? are you having chest pains? ...
Published by  Harsh Patel
15  Ratings8  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2017-01-23
Latest Version1.2
Size3.94 MB
Android version3.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Emergency Alert APK screenshot 1Emergency Alert APK screenshot 1Emergency Alert APK screenshot 1

Emergency Alert APK Description

Do you think some one is following you? are you having chest pains? Do you think you are in danger? Well, don't wait to call your emergency contacts, first press the Alert button and message them all in a matter of seconds.

This app lets you store all your emergency contacts, and an emergency message; and on the press of a button, send your emergency contacts your location and your emergency message(as a text message).

This app will serve as the first messenger to all your emergency contacts if something unthinkable is to happen.

Here are a few use cases for the app.

- Students and working class people can use this app if they feel like they are being followed or if they are having a medical emergency.

- People can use this app when they are in fear of being mugged, or robbed.

- People in fear of being sexually assaulted can use the app to alert their friends and family, if something unthinkable is to happen.

- People who are having a medical emergency can use this app to alert their close ones of their problems.

- People who are commuting can use the app if they ever get lost in a bad neighborhood, and think that they are in trouble.

- All in all everyone on this planet with a smartphone can think of a case where this app can be useful.

This is not an online messaging service, the messages are send via text message, therefore normal text messages charges will apply.
Although emergency hotline numbers such as "911" (USA) are allowed, please use them at your own risk.
If police numbers such as 911 are used, please use the app for emergencies only.

Emergency Alert APK in Action

Emergency Alert APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.2
3.94 MB
Jan 23, 2017