IP Tools APK

by VLSM7(VLSM,CIDR ,Subnet, Converter to Binary, Decimal,etc) Easy to use!
Published by  Dot7
33  Ratings15  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-02-16
Latest Version1.0.5
Size1.2 MB
Android version4.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


IP Tools APK screenshot 1IP Tools APK screenshot 1IP Tools APK screenshot 1

IP Tools APK Description

Use this simple subnet calculator (subnet) to get vital information about the subnets you want to create:
- IP of the subnet.
- Subnet mask.
- IP of the first Host.
- IP of the last Host.

IP Calculator is designed for CCNA, CCNP, professional contacts and students


CIDR calculator
- IPv4 Calculator

Calculator Subnet Calculator / VLSM
- Obtain complete network configuration with assignable IP range, subnet mask, network address and broadcast address for each subnet
- Uses VLSM algorithm

This application has 4 sections:

1. Addressing - VLSM
2. Addressing - CIDR
2. Converter for Numbers in Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal and Binary formats
3. Class A, B, C and D networks

This application is easy to use, intuitive and we hope it can help you at school or in your daily activities.

We always have fast support to our users!

You only need to place the network address and the amount of host by network you need and the application does the rest.

As a result the application will give:
* Network Address
* Network size
* Number of Bits necessary
* Minimum Host allocable
* Host maximum allocable
* Broadcast address
*Subnet mask
* Available Hosts

The way to use is very simple.
1. Enter the IP address

2. You write the number of host you need for each subnet. The host number should be SEPARETED by a SPACE.

For example:
1. 500,340,200 - where each numerical quantity represents the number of host is needed for each subnet.
2. 1000 840 600 100
3. 97 60 20
4. 5 9 15
5. 10

Internet Permission for Push Notifications, remote messages and crashlytics reports

IP Tools APK in Action

IP Tools APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0.5
1.2 MB
Feb 16, 2018