Introduction Two hundred years ago Bhagwan Swaminarayan told one of His paramhansas, Shatanand Muni, to write a stotra (verses) that, on chanting, would protect His devotees from evil influences, fear and obstacles. Thereafter, Shatanand Muni described Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s glory and virtues in 108 names. Each name refers to the power and qualities of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. His work is known as the Janmangal Stotra or Janmangal Namavali. The Janmangal Namavali is the essence of 1008 names of Bhagwan Swaminarayan called Sarvamangal Stotra, also written by Shatanand Muni.
Some Meaning of Names Each name refers to Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s virtues. The name, ‘Shri Krishnãya’ was given by Markandey Muni to Bhagwan Swaminarayan after His birth. ‘Shri’ means one who is full of infinite redemptory qualities and ‘Krishna’ means one who has a dark, attractive complexion. Another name is ‘Shri Vãsudevãya’, where ‘Vãsu’ means atma and ‘dev’ means Paramatma or Parabrahma who is the controller or ruler. So, Bhagwan Swaminarayan, adorned with infinite virtues, is the ruler of atma. In the name ‘Narnãrãyanãya’, ‘Nar’ refers to one who is a part of Akshar and ‘Nãrãyan’ refers to Paramatma (God).
Three Languages are used:Gujarati,Hindi and English