Helper APK

An app for translating text, voice, image and executes pre-defined commands
Published by  Nikolaos Katsogridakis
15  Ratings7  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-11-11
Latest Version1.58
Size7.05 MB
Android version4.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Helper APK screenshot 1Helper APK screenshot 1Helper APK screenshot 1

Helper APK Description

Another translation app by text, voice or image.

Three ways to use it:
Select desired language to translate.

1) Write something and press "Go"

2) Shake (or press icon) and speak

3) Long click on icon and take a photo (or pick an image) and extract the text

After Installing the app, go to Settings menu and set your preferences.

Language - is the app's language in English or Greek yet.

my name? - is the name you say in order to execute a voice command (e.g. Nick)

Want me to speak? - If you want to hear the results. The app can talk in the language you have selected to translate.

repeat - write here a word to say again the result (e.g. say "Nick repeat")

search Internet - a word (or words) for triggering to search internet (e.g. say "Nick search for"). After that, the app is waiting to hear the key word to search e.g. "spaghetti recipe"

You can define questions and answers so asking the app and get the answer would be fun.

The app needs GPS in order to get where are you and display the temperature (on your question) and to display a button for weather forecast for 5 days every 3 hours.

In Pre-defined commands say you got:
So if you say "Nick temperature" the app will get the coords from GPS and answer the current temperature.
You can also ask for temperature in another city by saying "Nick temperature Paris". To be more accurate, add the country code afterwards by comma e.g. "Nick temperature Georgia,ge"

Having the Pre-defined command:
The app will bring toy you a random joke for Chuck Norris if you say "Nick joke". Other available joke repositories are:

Another useful command is [calculate]. By having:
at your Pre-defined commands, you can say "Nick calculate 5+10/2" and get the result. You can use parenthesis and anything else complex e.g.

Nick calculate ((5*10)+(20/2))/sqrt(9)

More function will come I suppose.

A new ability is added to retrieve the text from a photo. Long click on icon and:
1) Take a photo or pick an image from your device
2) Choose the language the photo's text is written
3) Click on "Check Server" to be sure that is UP & Running
4) You will see then a button "Try OCR", click on it and wait

When finishes, you will see the text retrieved in your main screen. Then you edit it (if it is needed) and translate it in any language.
This function is free so it will be available as OCR Server is UP & Runing.

More information and manual you can find at programmer's page and inside Settings menu by pressing the button "Help".

Have fun

GDPR compliance
app needs the following permissions:

Camera to take photos
Read/Write SD Card to save configuration files and scan images
GPS to get your coords for display the current weather
Internet for some of the functionalities

Helper APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.58
7.05 MB
Dec 25, 2018

Other Versions

v 1.56
7.05 MB
Nov 11, 2018