Oriya keyboard is used to write text in Oriya language for typing
Published by  my keyboard app
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Oriya keyboard APK Description
Oriya keyboard
Oriya keyboard is used to write text in Oriya language for typing
Oriya Keyboard is an easy type method of keyboard in Oriya language and make it simple for all Oriya user who want too. you can easily write in Oriya language and its easy to use and handle the all control of Oriya keyboard you will like to use Oriya my photo keyboard. my photo Oriya keyboard is great keyboard to type in Oriya language this is Oriya language input method for Oriya keyboard.
Oriya Keyboard work as a default keyboard in your phones or tablets. Here you can having option for type in english when you want to used just switch to other language. you can switch your language easily and can handle the both language on just single click.
* more the 10 theme for customize your keyboard and make Oriya keyboard awesome.
* you can set your favorite photo to the background. and decorate your keyboard.
* using the Oriya keyboard you can also write in English it support both language English & Oriya.
* Change the them from the setting and make it awesome.
* set landscape and portrait keyboard mode as per your requirement and make customize.
* set sound on key press on keyboard.
* you can set the key text color and key text size and preview text size and can decorate your keyboard.
* smooth keyboard to type in Oriya.
* Apply 12 different font from the range of fonts.
* set the spell checker or word predication to type easily in Oriya.
Oriya keyboard is for all user who want to type in Oriya. now by using Oriya keyboard now you can type in Oriya in your mobile and can send text to any friends and write in Oriya language so enjoy it and share this app with your friends and if you really like our work please rate us with 5 star.