Simple note application that opens .VNT files.
Published by  Vojtech Bocek
798  Ratings341  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2017-08-25
Latest Versionv14
Size334.65 KB
Android version4.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


VNote APK screenshot 1VNote APK screenshot 1VNote APK screenshot 1

VNote APK Description

This is simple note application - it saves little snippets of text. The unique feature is compatibility with .vnt format, which is used in some of the old Sony Ericsson and Samsung phones. This app is designed for people who got a new phone and want to open .vnt notes from their old phone.

READ IF IT DOES NOT WORK: There are rare reports that VNote can't handle some .vnt files. It is possible that this app can't read for example files which are in language other than english. If you want me to fix that, send .vnt file which this app cannot handle to my e-mail or create issue on github (

VNote APK Versions

Latest Version

v v14
334.65 KB
Aug 25, 2017