Roadblock APK

You can't stop that freakin' roadblock, can only change its turning direction.
Published by  Tarda Soft
95  Ratings53  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2017-02-19
Latest Version0.0.14
Size13.95 MB
Android version2.3 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Roadblock APK screenshot 1Roadblock APK screenshot 1Roadblock APK screenshot 1

Roadblock APK Description

That crazy freaking roadblock is out of control. It is really hard to control and make it let the cars pass without crashing each other.

It is always turning insanely. You can't stop it but by tapping on the screen you can only change its direction.
Don't let an accident happen because of that roadblock.

Roadblock APK Versions

Latest Version

v 0.0.14
13.95 MB
Feb 19, 2017