Electronics calculator app is very useful app for electrical engineering students and electronics hobbyist. It is a powerful electronics toolbox app, it works well on Phones and tablets
You can perform circuit calculations with the app like 555 Timer astable multivibrator 555 Timer monostable pulse duration Resistor color code Series resistors Parallel resistors Series capacitors Parallel capacitors Voltage divider LCR impedance LCR resonance Operational amplifier (Inverting,non inverting and difference amplifier) LED resistor value Zener diode voltage regulator Inductor winding CR filter LR filter Capacitive reactance Inductive reactance BJT parameters Delta -> star Star -> Delta Current divider Parallel RLC Series RLC Transformer turns calculations
and many more.
more feature will be added with each and every update.
The app contains ads in order to support the development of the app.
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