cat and dog wallpapers APK

this is a live wallpaper or screensaver cute friendship live wallpaper
Published by  solar trap studio
28  Ratings7  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-04-28
Latest Version10.02
Size10.76 MB
Android version4.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


cat and dog wallpapers APK screenshot 1cat and dog wallpapers APK screenshot 1cat and dog wallpapers APK screenshot 1

cat and dog wallpapers APK Description

this is a live wallpaper or screensaver cute friendship live wallpaper set the app as live wallpaper to make your android phone more beautiful and alive download cute friendship live wallpaper from our given resolutions for free. we have the best collection of cat and dog wallpapers. in case you don’t find the perfect resolution, you may download the original size or any higher resolution cat and dog wallpapers which will best fit your screen.

this lwp feature a puppy and kitten wallpapers picture, we can see that dog puppy and cat kitten finally can get a long together just fine, forming a cute friendship between them, no longer dog and cat fight occur, they treat each other well. friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. cat and dog wallpapers. friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association. friendship has been studied in academic fields such as sociology, social psychology, anthropology, and philosophy. various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, including social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. a world happiness database study found that people with close friendships are happier.

although there are many forms of friendship, some of which may vary from place to place, certain characteristics are present in many types of friendship. such characteristics include affection, sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding and compassion, enjoyment of each other's company, cats and dogs wallpapers, trust, and the ability to be oneself, cat and dog wallpapers, express one's feelings, and make mistakes without fear of judgment from the friend. while there is no practical limit on what types of people can form a friendship, cats and dogs wallpapers, friends tend to share common backgrounds, occupations, or interests, and have similar demographics.

cat and dog wallpapers APK Versions

Latest Version

v 10.02
10.76 MB
Apr 28, 2018