Restaurant menu translator APK

Quick Translation of the main food, dishes, types of food in languages
Published by  Rapeto Apps
21  Ratings6  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2015-03-06
Latest Version15.3.6
Size3.24 MB
Android version3.0 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Restaurant menu translator APK screenshot 1Restaurant menu translator APK screenshot 1Restaurant menu translator APK screenshot 1

Restaurant menu translator APK Description

A guide ideal for travel abroad and translate meal or a la carte restaurant translator bar drinks or coffee shop vocabulary. Also interesting to learn languages ​​as we offer different languages:
Download the free app, an interesting way to learn vocabulary in different languages ​​(learn English, learn French, learn italian, learn german, learn Spanish). It is a dictionary of words or dictionary la carte meals or restaurant menu, you should use as a guide for tourists on their trips conversation.

If you do not have time to attend courses or English language courses to learn English or study English grammar, this guide will be extremely useful to save you from many situations in your travels or trips abroad

LEGAL NOTE: All images in this application are expressly made for her and all rights are reserved. For background images, we used public domain images from internet, since they are not identified by symbols or other information indicating the existence of exploitation rights reserved thereon.

Any natural or legal person who was the owner of any images contained therein, may credit it via email to the developer, committing to the immediate withdrawal of the image after verification, if necessary, ownership of the image protected.

Restaurant menu translator APK Versions

Latest Version

v 15.3.6
3.24 MB
Mar 6, 2015