Welcome to the best application of the classic game minesweeper.
1 - . Has 3 board sizes (for each device)
2 - . Has 4 levels of difficulty
Do you dare ?
The game is simple, but to solve it requires a lot of concentration and skill.
Is to detect hidden mines on a board , and for that we must uncover the dark cells . Then, in a cell is uncovered indicates the number of adjacent mines. Using this information, we may end up deducting the location of mines and solve the game .
Complete the game with the minimum time possible , and compete with other players in the world ... can you overcome them? .
Moreover, for all compete on equal terms , other records tables are established according to the board size and the number of hidden mines.
Also, if you can not finish the game , do not worry, when you get back can choose to start a new game or continue the game as you left it.
And all this in an app , simple , versatile and just 1.00 Mb you can store on the SIM ! ! Are you going to lose?