View your desktop in Virtual Reality Glasses, using VNC
Published by  Donomii
21  Ratings12  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2017-01-17
Latest Version1.10
Size2.33 MB
Android version4.1 and up
Content RatingEveryone


VVV APK screenshot 1VVV APK screenshot 1

VVV APK Description

This VR VNC Viewer displays your computer's desktop in VR, using your mobile phone (and a headset).

V.V.V. automatically scans your local network for VNC servers (and MJPEG servers) and displays them in 3D. It's a quick and simple way to get started, with no configuration options or setup required.

V.V.V. does not work over the internet, or with more complicated server setups


You will need to start a server with no password on your desktop, and VR VNC Viewer on your mobile. Both computer and mobile must be on the same network (e.g. connected to the same WiFi station), and be on the same class C subnet. e.g. if your computer is, your mobile must also have an ip address that starts with 192.168.1.

vrvncviewer will scan your network for vnc servers (on port 5900), and mjpeg servers (mjpeg on port 8080).

For best performance, reduce your desktop to 800x600 or less.

VNC server

You will need to install a VNC server, and set the password option to no authentication, or if that is not possible set the password to 'aaaaaaaa'. There are many vnc servers, a small selection are listed here:


* TigerVNC - http://tigervnc.org/
* TightVNC - http://www.tightvnc.com/
* UltraVNC - https://sourceforge.net/projects/ultravnc/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Network_Computing


Check your package manager for

* xvncserver
* vncserver
* ...


MacOSX has a VNC server built in. To enable it, follow these instructions:


MJPEG servers

VLC and some other media players can serve videos over mjpeg.

You can also use this simple [MJPEG server](http://praeceptamachinae.com/resources/binaries/rtaVideoStreamer-demo.7z) to view your desktop. I recommend this - it is usually faster than VNC, although the picture quality is a bit worse.

Android app

Download and install vrvncviewer from the play store. After you have started your VNC server, start the vrvncviewer app. vrvncviewer will scan the local network for your computer, and display it in VR.

Finding your computer should take a few seconds. If vrvncviwer loses the connection, it will start scanning the network again until it finds a server.

vrvncviewer currently runs at around 3 frames per second, regardless of settings. With a fast phone and fast network, it might be a bit higher.

VVV APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.10
2.33 MB
Jan 17, 2017