Qasas ul anbiya in urdu APK

stories of the prophets contain reading and listing materiel.
Published by  Androidisum
37  Ratings17  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2016-05-03
Latest Version4
Size4.31 MB
Android version2.3.3 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Qasas ul anbiya in urdu APK screenshot 1Qasas ul anbiya in urdu APK screenshot 1Qasas ul anbiya in urdu APK screenshot 1

Qasas ul anbiya in urdu APK Description

In this app we can listen all ambia of qasas its very informative if you don't want to listen qasas ul ambia then you can read it. In this app we provide reading materiel.

Qasas anbiya app is for every person but its important for Muslims. Every Muslim must know about all qasas ul ambia because we can get many type of helps for our life so every Muslim must listen qasas ul anbiya

Qasas ul anbiya in urdu APK Versions

Latest Version

v 4
4.31 MB
May 3, 2016