An A Level or equivalent multiple-choice quiz for chemistry students on Wear.
Published by  Dr Jonathan Miller
5  Ratings
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Chemistry Quiz APK Description
This app, with 200 questions, is aimed at A Level or equivalent advanced high-school/college students of chemistry (science) subjects and could be used as a revision aid. The tests are loaded by clicking on the name on the Mobile device, i.e. PHYSICAL, ORGANIC and INORGANIC and PRACTICALS as well as A2 material (i.e. physical, organic and inorganic) for more advanced A Level students or some foundation year students. Pre-A Level students could attempt some of the more general questions, but many topics will not have been covered! If the Wear device is connected (by Bluetooth) to your Mobile, after launching the app on Mobile and choosing your quiz, you will see a notification on Wear. Open the notification on Wear and you are presented with the first question. Sliding your finger to the left gives the first out of four similar views in which to choose (press the Wear screen firmly or double tap); only one correct answer is required. Sliding to the right gives the option to ignore the question and go to the next. After selecting your answer, if the connection between Mobile and Wear is set up properly, you will see the answer status on the Mobile device. The question is always seen on the Mobile device but not the answer. Green indicates a correct answer, red for incorrect and yellow for ignored. Clicking the New Quiz at the bottom of Mobile gives you the ability to start a new quiz of your choice with the usual notifications. When the quiz ends (or user terminates the app) the score is viewed on Wear.
The ability to launch the quizzes directly from Wear has been added. The app must have already started on Mobile and be on the main screen and within Bluetooth range.
In the event that a connection is lost between Wear and Mobile, simply relaunch the app again on Mobile once reconnected. Make sure Mobile doesn't Sleep. You can create your own questions and answers on-the-fly on Mobile to test your friends on Wear (with individual quiz status notification), which you can reset with the Reset button on Mobile. If you wish to terminate the application on Mobile, tap the 'back' button.
Please be aware that not all topics/theories on every syllabus are covered and selected examples taken from a broad selection as possible from different categories for such a small screen size. A scientific calculator and standard periodic table are also required.
A REFERENCE GUIDE has been added in the menu bar. It covers many of the topics included in the quizzes and included calculators and aides for some of the scientific theories. You can save output to your device in one example as it is commonly required in practicals.
You should be able to install the app without Wear, but of limited use. Android Lollipop represents the best viewing of recent changes to the formulae.
A small font size is recommended for Wear.
Topics covered that you need to know:
GENERAL/PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY: relative atomic masses, mol/molarity, electronic structure of the atom, bonding, VSEPR, solution chemistry, titrations, weak/strong acids and alkalis, ideal gases, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibria, electrochemistry, reaction kinetics including catalysis.
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: stereoisomerism, hybridisation, trends, alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, acids and their derivatives, halogenalkanes (haloalkanes), organonitrogen compounds including amino acids and proteins. Arene chemistry and electrophilic substitution as well as the special chemistry of phenol. Mechanisms are included in the reference guides. Arenes, polymers and amine derivatives are usually taught in the second year.
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: periodicity, Groups 1 and 2, aluminium, nitrogen, sulphur and Group 17 (halogens). Transition metals and their coloured compounds, co-ordination compounds.