Classic Tic Tac Toe APK

Play classic Tic Tac Toe game in a classy way.
Published by  Meticulous Apps
10  Ratings2  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2012-05-07
Latest Version1.0.1
Size1.55 MB
Android version2.2 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Classic Tic Tac Toe APK screenshot 1Classic Tic Tac Toe APK screenshot 1Classic Tic Tac Toe APK screenshot 1

Classic Tic Tac Toe APK Description

Do you remember old school days? We use to play Tic Tac Toe in our notebook. This game will make you feel that your golden old school days are back.


Game Features:
1. Player vs Player game mode
2. Player vs Android game mode
3. Detailed game statistics
4. Set players name
5. Choose symbol
6. Set who will play first turn
7. Reset game statistics

Game Rules:
1. The game is played on a grid that's 3 squares by 3 squares.
2. You are X/O, your friend (or the computer in this case) is O/X. Players take turns putting their marks in empty squares.
3. The first player to get 3 of her marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.
4. When all 9 squares are full, the game is over. If no player has 3 marks in a row, the game ends in a tie

Classic Tic Tac Toe APK in Action

Classic Tic Tac Toe APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0.1
1.55 MB
May 7, 2012