Standard game rules with best, smoothest, very fast interface.
We will keep our best to improve this game, since we are also devotees of minesweeper ! Please free feel to provide your suggestion or bug report by mail.
****************************************************** Features ******************************************************
✓ Easy to control ✓ First tap luck ✓ Optional sound assist ✓ 3 classic difficulty ✓ Quick Overview ✓ Fast launch time ✓ Build in minesweeper help ✓ Fully configurable, board size & number of mines. ✓ Auto save ✓ Fast launch time
******************************************************* How to control Minesweeper *******************************************************
- Tap on a closed tile to open it. - Tap and hold on a closed tile to flag it. - Tap and hold on a flagged tile to put question mark on it. - Tap and hold on a question mark tile to clear it.