One of the powerful Saiyan villains from your favourite franchise!
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Anime live wallpaper (HD video animation) APK Description
One of the powerful Saiyan villains from your favourite anime and manga franchise.
This character was one of the four known remaining Saiyans left alive after his home world was destroyed. He seeks out his brother in order to recruit him to conquer more planets.
His appearance consists of extremely long, spiky black hair with a prominent widow's peak, brown and black colored Battle Armor in the same style as the rest of soldiers.
He is harsh, brutal, and often arrogant like most Saiyan warriors. He does, however, give his brother a chance to become part of the empire, only attacking his brother when he refuses and protests against his plans. He likes to mock weaker opponents, and to mess around with them before actually finishing them off.
Our pretty wallpapers: - are based on seamlessly looped HD mp4 videos - work with most Android phones, including old devices (i.e. Samsung galaxy s4 mini) & brand-new smartphones (i.e. Samsung galaxy s9+) - don't drain phone battery - are suitable for teens
If you're looking for cool backgrounds and vertical wallpapers - we offer the best dynamic backgrounds and awesome phone wallpapers from many categories!
Personalize your live wallpaper with these new effects: black and white, cross process, invert colors, posterize, sepia, brightness, contrast, auto fix, documentary, fill light, gamma, grain effect, gray scale effect, hue effect, lamoish effect, saturation, sharpness, temperature, vignette effect.
Static image artwork by Maniaxoi
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Anime live wallpaper (HD video animation) APK in Action
Anime live wallpaper (HD video animation) APK Versions