We've selected the best phrases in English of well-known writers so you could use them as your Status. Download this free app of the most beautiful and inspiring quotes that everybody loves. In this app you'll find the best phrases to reflect on or to simply express your feelings.
‘Images and pictures with famous quotes in English’ is a collection of carefully chosen quotes. In this app you'll find proverbs by philosophers, writers, thinkers and other great minds whose wise words have inspired many people. Quotes, sayings, proverbs and other well-known phrases for free and in English.
Download it for free and send these sayings to consider and think about as a friendship message. Share these quotes and love statuses via any application that you have on your device, sms or email. We offer you a number of possibilities of which you can make use of by sharing the best quotes with family and friends.
This application contains pictures, some of which have been obtained through Internet. There images are part of the public domain as they are not identified with symbols or any other information which would indicate the existence of reserved rights of usage.
Any natural or legal person who owns any of the pictures may confirm this by sending an e-mail to the developer, and we commit to remove instantly the indicated image after having verified the ownership of the copyrighted picture.