To read MyKad details through supported smartcard reader hardware.
Published by  Innov8tif Solutions
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3.66 MB
Android version
4.1 and up
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Mobile MyKad Reader APK Description
Mobile MyKad Reader app can read the following details from a MyKad: * Full name * IC No. * Old IC No. * Photo (if enabled from app settings) * Address (3 lines) * Postcode * City * State * Birthday * Gender * Race * Religion * Citizenship * Date Issued * E.M. (East Malaysia) Origin
Besides, you can also save GPS location, remarks and camera photo attachment to further describe your business transaction.
Innov8tif Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is a JPN-consented (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara / National Registration Department of Malaysia) vendor to develop product and solution from the MyKad command set.
Please refer to for demo, full details of the app features, and to purchase the supported reader hardware and app license. Without license key, this app will not work.
The Mobile MyKad Reader app also supports the following advanced features: 1) Automatically send MyKad record to a designated email address, every time when a MyKad record is saved 2) Automatically generate MyKad record into PDF file and delivered via email, every time when a MyKad record is saved 3) Automatically generate MyKad records by batch, into a CSV file (stored in device storage, or delivered via email) 4) Automatically purge/delete MyKad records saved into the app, from device storage
Optionally, this app also supports biometric thumbprint verification, if the supported biometric smartcard reader hardware is paired.
Please take note that, the reader hardware only works with Android devices that support 3rd party OTG. A list of referenced devices are available at