Electrical Instrumentation APK

Notes,quiz,blog and videos of electrical instrumentation .
Published by  Engineering Hub
14  Ratings3  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-10-12
Latest Version1.0.6
Size3.5 MB
Android version4.0.3 and up
Content RatingEveryone


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Electrical Instrumentation APK Description

Notes,quiz,blog and videos of electrical instrumentation. It almost cover all important topics which are indexed chapter wise

Chapter 1 Measurement

1. Measurement and error
2. Accuracy and Precision
3. sensitivity resolution
4. Error & Error analysis
5. Effect of temperature
6. Stray field
7. Hysterisis and Frequency variation & method of minimizing them
8. due to shunt connected and series connect ed instruments
9. calibration curve
10. Testing & calibration of instruments
11. Theory & operation of ballistic galvanometer
12. D'arsonal galvanometer
13. galvanometer motion & damping
14. Definition of analog & digital instruments
15. Classification of analog instruments, their operating principle

Chapter 2 Different types of Ammeter & Voltmeter

1. Permanent Magnet Moving Coil Instrument
2. Electrodynamometer
3. Hotwire
4. Electrostatic
5. Induction
6. Rectifier
7. Ferro dynamic & Electro-thermic
8. Extension of range of instruments using shunt & multiplier

Chapter 3 Instrument transformers and Measurement of power

1. Potential and current transformers
2. ratio and phase angle errors
3. Difference between CT and PT
4. Power in AC and DC Circuit
5. Electrodynamometer type of wattmeter
6. Low power factor & UPF wattmeter
7. Measurement of power in three phase circuit, one, two & three wattmeter method
8. Measurement of power using CTs & PTs

Chapter 4 Measurement of Energy

1. Single phase induction type energy meter
2. Testing by phantom loading and using R.S.S. meter
3. Three phase energy meter
4. Tri-vector meter
5. DC potentiometer standardization
6. application of DC potentiometer
7. AC polar type and coordinate type potentiometer

Chapter 5 Miscellaneous Instruments & Measurements

1. Power factor meter
2. Single phase and three phase Electro-dynamometer type & moving iron type
3. Vibrating reed
4. Resonance type & Weston type
5. Series Type Ohmmeter And Shunt Type Ohmmeter
6. Megger & Ratio meter
7. Classification of low
8. medium & high resistance Voltmeter
9. Ammeter
10. Wheatstone Bridge
11. Kelvin?s double bridge & loss of charge methods for resistance measurement
12. Earth resistance measurement
13. B-H Curve

Electrical Instrumentation APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0.6
3.5 MB
Oct 12, 2018