This translator app is designed for Translating Hindi to Urdu and Urdu to Hindi Languages and you can also find the dictionary words phrases, sentences or vocabulary ordinary users. language translator is a powerful translation tool on Android devices. Features of this application. Hindi Urdu Dictionary Hindi Urdu Translator Hindi Urdu Keyboard Hindi Urdu App Hindi To Urdu Learning Apps Hindi To Urdu Translation App Hindi Urdu Bol Chal Hindi Urdu Book Hindi Urdu Lughat Urdu Padhna Sikhe Hindi Me Hindi Urdu Shabdkosh Hindi Urdu Teacher Book Hindi Urdu Translation Hindi To Urdu Voice Translator Urdu Vocabulary In Hindi हिंदी उर्दू शब्दकोश हिंदी उर्दू डिक्शनरी हिंदी उर्दू इंग्लिश कीबोर्ड हिंदी उर्दू शायरी हिंदी उर्दू हिंदी उर्दू कैलेंडर ہندی اردو ڈکشنری ہندی اردو لغت