Hindi Dictionary | English Hindi Dictionary | हिंदी शब्दकोष
Hindi Dictionary (Offline) is a English to Hindi Dictionary and translation helps you to find the right word-meaning you are searching for, along with plenty of similar word suggestions to choose from.
This is a platform where you can get all English words meaning in Hindi. English to Hindi Dictionary is a free offline dictionary designed to help Hindi speakers learn and improve their English language skills. There is autosuggestion so you need not type full words.
For student or teacher, hindi dictionary app is the largest platform help them make the deeply investigation in each words and phrases including idiom, slang, noun, verb, adjective, adverb... The largest vocabulary will help people find all special words in all branch; medicine, medicinal, math, chemical, horoscope, biology, etiology, physics, physiology…
Features - - Auto-complete suggestions - Get the meanings of a word categorized by Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Suffix, Prefix etc.