Aptitude Test Preparation APK

Aptitude Test Preparation is a product of PrepDoor.com
Published by  PrepDoor.com
703  Ratings104  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2013-05-05
Latest Version1.0
Size293.8 KB
Android version2.2 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Aptitude Test Preparation APK screenshot 1Aptitude Test Preparation APK screenshot 1Aptitude Test Preparation APK screenshot 1

Aptitude Test Preparation APK Description

Aptitude Test Preparation is a product of GPL4you.com

- Intended for students preparing for various examinations like CAT, MAT, XAT, PSUs, IAS, GATE, BANK PO etc
- Covers all sections of Aptitude: Mathematical Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
- More than 10,000 questions.
- Detailed solution for each question.

- Mathematicsl Aptitude: Average , Calende, Clocks, Logarithms, Mensuration, Mixtures and Alligations, Number System, Percentage, Permutation and Computation, Probability, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Simple Equations. Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Time, Speed and Distance

- Verbal Ability: Analogy, Antonyms, Arrangement, Deriving Conclusion From Passage, Filler, Filler Grammar, Odd Man Out, Phrase- Sentence Improvement, Reading Comprehension, Spotting Errors, Spotting Errors (Adjectives), Spotting Errors (Adverbs), Spotting Errors (Articles), Spotting Errors (Conjunction), Spotting Errors (Noun), Spotting Errors (Prepositions), Spotting Errors (ProNoun), Spotting Errors (Verbs), Synonyms

- Logical Reasoning: Alphabetical And Numerical Series, Analytical And Puzzle Reasoning, Blood Relations Test, Coding - Decoding, Direction , Time And Clock Test, Logical Deduction, Ordering / Sitting arrangement, Quant Based Reasoning, Statement and Arguement, Statement and Conclusion, Statement and Course of Action, Statement-Assumption, Syllogism, Venn Diagram

- Data Interpretaion & Data Sufficiency

Aptitude Test Preparation APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0
293.8 KB
May 5, 2013