Chain Reaction + APK

Defy! Start an endless chain reaction!
Published by  Life is game
27  Ratings8  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2015-03-25
Latest Version1.0.1
Size12.14 MB
Android version2.3 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Chain Reaction + APK screenshot 1Chain Reaction + APK screenshot 1Chain Reaction + APK screenshot 1

Chain Reaction + APK Description

Defy! Start an endless chain reaction!

The main goal of the game is to cause the longest chain reaction (the domino effect). Mines are activated and explode if their side sensors contact to each other. Click on a mine to adjust the position of its side sensors.

First mine in a chain starts to rotate clockwise. Each subsequent mine (if sensors contact) is rotated in a domino effect: in the direction in which it was pushed by the previous one.

2 GAME MODES - RANDOM (mines’ random order in a minefield regulated by RESET button) and CUSTOM (set up the initial state of the minefield for the longest chain reaction)

RESET to renew the minefield.
Set up the initial state of the minefield with CUSTOM mode for the longest chain reaction.
Click on a mine and start the longest chain reaction!

Chain Reaction + APK in Action

Chain Reaction + APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0.1
12.14 MB
Mar 25, 2015