Here we provide ideas and examples of best cross stitch patterns that you are looking for, the best cross stitch patterns we make is a good best cross stitch patterns and interesting so that you can choose best cross stitch patterns for you to make learning at home or anywhere.
There were a lot of cross stitch patterns and designs in old times but it wasn't just a regular patterns, all patterns had some meaning and for different purpose people made different designs. For example, weddings always were rich in cross stitch designs which express wishes of long and happy life for newly-married. Patterns in different places had different meanings but usually old designs contained lots of birds (represents beauty and freedom at some nations), trees and sun(usually represent fertility), houses and boats (at some cultures represent wealth). Sometimes this patterns were pretty easy to make but not meaningless. It means that when our ancestors stitched a cloths for particular person they could say who this person was: how old and how rich he/she was, what rank in society he/she has, how wise he/she was and so on. Can you imagine how every big or small celebration people dressed up in a wonderful cloths with stitching from top to bottom and from this stitching you can easily fined out what day they celebrate, what they represent and who they are.
Cross Stitching has a great history and some people still find it interesting to make old style designs. All this designs look really antique, as something forgotten a long time ago but still alive and meaningful. But if you know the route of each Cross Stitch Pattern your work won't be just a craft, it will be a message for everyone.
This process is fascinating from the beginning — selection of crossstitch. Next is no less exciting selection of embroidery floss, securing the canvas in the Hoop or on the machine and the first TIC of the future masterpiece! And so, night after night, the thread for thread, cross over the cross we see the birth of the most beautiful paintings...
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