Hindi jokes APK

FlipMycards presents jokes in Hindi (vernacular language )!
Published by  examtimes
2,145  Ratings406  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2012-03-05
Latest Version1.12
Size1.06 MB
Android version1.6 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Hindi jokes APK screenshot 1Hindi jokes APK screenshot 1Hindi jokes APK screenshot 1

Hindi jokes APK Description

FlipMycards proudly releases “Powerful , Speedy & Intuitive” joke phone book in Hindi with powerful tools.
You can change size/space of fonts as per your need !
Supports day and night mode and much more…down load and enjoy

Humor helps to bring across messages to your partner, colleagues or family, it is not very surprising that it smoothens communication with other target groups & peers.

The lifetime of jokes in vernacular language is very long and so read them freely and enjoy !

A laugh is quite catchy, it's very contagious.
Just one tiny snicker can start laughter outrageous!

The jokes published are either folklore or are mere a translation from other languages available freely on internet . So there is no such copyright as the case may be. If you think by publishing a particular picture or article in this publication your copyright has been violated, or if any person is offended by any material in this publication then please send a mail to so we can remove the particular picture or that article from this publication.

Hindi jokes APK in Action

Hindi jokes APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.12
1.06 MB
Mar 5, 2012