Sudoku Free for your Android Phone or Tablet with unlimited puzzles
Published by  FivedrawDesign
419  Ratings42  Comments
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1.33 MB
Android version
2.3 and up
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Sudoku Free APK Description
Sudoku Free Features: Includes game generator for unlimited Sudoku puzzles Suitable for Phones or Tablets 4 difficulty levels Auto save Stores fastest times Fast Sudoku game generation Two number input methods - pop up or grid style Landscape and portrait orientation supported Regular or large sized font
Sudoku is played on a 9 by 9 grid divided into nine, 3 by 3 grids called regions. To complete the game, each row, column and region needs to contain the numbers 1 to 9.
This app generates Sudoku games so you have enough Sudoku puzzles to last a lifetime.
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Available in languages: English, French (français), Spanish (español), Italian (italiano), German (deutsch), Spanish (español), Russian (русский), Chinese (PRC) (中国的), Chinese (Taiwan) (中國的), Arabic (العربية), Hindi (हिंदी), Korean (한국의), Portuguese (português), Vietnamese (Việt)
Requires a touchscreen enabled device
This app is ad supported. The paid version has no advertising.