The Avionics Multi-Function Display (MFD) application illustrates, for educational purposes, how tactile interactivity concepts are brought into the plane cockpit with a realistic Multi-Function Display, inspired from a Boeing 737 display system. The Avionics MFD application has been automatically generated from SCADE Suite® and SCADE Display®.
The SCADE MFD features the following pages/functions: - a Primary Flight Display (PFD) page, including an Attitude Direction Indicator (ADI), Speed Counter, Altitude Counter, Flight Management Compass (FMC), Navigation Display (ND) and Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI), - an Engine page, - an Airport Map page, including an horizontal vector airport map and a vertical display, - a Navigation Map page, including an horizontal raster map with waypoints and a vertical display. The virtual plane follows a pre-recorded scenario.
Instructions: - tap to select the page switching animation type (Fade/Zoom/Twirl) - flick the screen left/right to navigate through four pages