this application is a live wallpaper or screensaver of earth live wallpaper
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earth live wallpaper APK Description
this application is a live wallpaper or screensaver of earth live wallpaper set the app as live wallpaper to decorate your phone downloads earth live wallpaper from our store page. we have the best collection of earth live wallpaper. you can also download other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp suitable for you, we had a vast lwp collection. earth is actually made up from two planets which came together in a head-on collision that was so violent it formed the moon, scientists have concluded.
initially it was believed that the moon was created when a smaller planet called theia grazed the beautiful earth live wallpaper and broke up, sending a smaller chunk into space where it was caught in earth’s gravity. but if that was the case the moon would have a different chemical composition to the earth, because it would be made up, predominantly, of theia. however, after studying moon rocks brought back by astronauts on the apollo missions, scientists at the university of california have found that their oxygen isotopes are the same as on earth. beautiful earth live wallpaper. it means that the collision between their and the early earth was so violent that the two planets effectively melded together to form a new planet, a chunk of which was knocked off to form the moon. strait of gibraltar 71 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water. beautiful earth live wallpaper is the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface (though there may be liquid ethane or methane on titan's surface and liquid water beneath the surface of europa).
liquid water is, of course, essential for life as we know it. beautiful earth live wallpaper. the heat capacity of the oceans is also very important in keeping the earth's temperature relatively stable. liquid water is also responsible for most of the erosion and weathering of the earth's continents, a process unique in the solar system today (though it may have occurred on mars in the past).