Calculate the share of wealth you own, among your family
Published by  extreme action
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3.86 MB
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4.0.3 and up
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Islamic Wealth Distribution APK Description
This app is aimed to provide you with the proper distribution and calculation of wealth or property you own given/left by your ancestors. Along with all the calculations and simplified results this also includes the principles and guidelines about the distribution of wealth in Islam.
For simplicity purposes this app gets the inputs only at one hierarchal level of inheritance. If your needs go beyond this, you can always use the same method twice or thrice as per required. e.g. If you start from grandpa’s wealth then first calculate the share of your father & by those results calculate your share.
Features: • Simple user experience. • Calculate your share in the property within a minute. • Calculation methods provided by authentic sources. • Explanation of calculation methods is provided as well. • Authenticity of the app is based on the rules practiced byall the Imam’s of Islam. • Resources provided with the reference from Quran & Hadith. • Besides all the calculations, simplicity is kept at first priority.
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