Islamic Baby Names an application for all Ethiopian Ethio Islam (Ethiopia Muslim). It is a collection from Arabic Language, Quranic Names, Sahabas names, Prophets Names and Heroes of Islam.
ኢስላማዊ የወንዶች እና የሴቶች ስሞች ከተለያዩ ሀዲሶች፣ ቁርዓን አንቀጾች፣ የሰሃባ ስሞች፣ የነብዮች ስሞች፣ የታላላቅ ኢስላም ጀግኖች ወዘተ የተወጣጣ የስም ስብስብ የያዘ አፕ ነው፡፡ It is an offline app for all Ethio Ethiopian Ethiopia Muslims (Islam). Islamic baby names are given for new born child and as well for the one who wants to change his/her name.
ለሙስሊም ኢትዮጵያዊያን የሚሆን ቆንጆ ስሞችን የያዘ፣ ለአጠቃቀም ቀላል፣ ምቹና በነፃ፡፡ Muslim Names are so beautiful, attractive and meaningful.
Ethiopian Muslims favorite name is Muhammad, Mohammed, Mohamed, Mahammad and Bilal are the most popular names in Ethiopia (For Ethiopian Muslims). ለአዳዲስ ለተወለዱ ህጻናት እና ስማቸውን ለመቀየር ለሚፈልጉ ሙሊስሞች የተሻለ አማራጭ ነው፡፡
It is easy to use and simple for all Ethio Ethiopia Ethiopian Muslim Islam by Amharic (Ethio Ethiopian Language).