Dice! APK

Fast and simple RPG, board and miniature games dice generator.
Published by  Jose Valverde
852  Ratings144  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2013-07-31
Latest Version1.45
Size914.69 KB
Android version1.5 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Dice! APK screenshot 1Dice! APK screenshot 1

Dice! APK Description

Fast and simple RPG, board and miniature games dice generator. An essential bag of Fudge, Fate, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D12, D14, D20, D24, D30 and D100 dice for your cell phone or tablet. You can easily configure the number of dice rolled, the number of rolls and the positive or negative bonuses. And if you don’t like the result of a dice: pressing it, it will be rolled again, keeping the results of the rest of the roll.

Soon we will include special dice for some specific games and new configurations.

Dice! APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.45
914.69 KB
Jul 31, 2013