Real Gun Sounds - Guns of Popular Shooting Games APK

A very simple and amusing app for you or someone else to enjoy
Published by  apps solution
7  Ratings2  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2017-08-08
Latest Version1.0
Size14.95 MB
Android version2.3.3 and up
Content RatingEveryone 10+


Real Gun Sounds - Guns of Popular Shooting Games APK screenshot 1Real Gun Sounds - Guns of Popular Shooting Games APK screenshot 1Real Gun Sounds - Guns of Popular Shooting Games APK screenshot 1

Real Gun Sounds - Guns of Popular Shooting Games APK Description

This guns simulator is the most realistic simulation shots of weapons. This weapons simulator is a large collection shot sounds from different types of weapons This collection of sounds of shots guns will suit everyone who is interested in differences weapons types. So if you want to play war with your friends or just want to scare someone, then this collection of gun sounds for you!

The major guns included are listed below.


➽ Handguns:-
Baretta-92 , CZ-75 , Desert Eagle , JTL-E500 , Kel Tec-PMR30 , M9-CO2 , M1911 ,
Ruger-SR9 , Taurus-PT92 , Webley-Premier.

➽ Pistols:-
Arsenal-AF1 , Colt Anaconda , Glock-17 , Kel-Tec Pistol , Revolver Magnum.357 , XDM-.45 ,Z84,XM307 ACSW Advanced Heavy Machine Gun

➽ Machine Pistols:-
23-Submachine Gun , Astra-900 , Baretta-92 , Ingram , UZI MMI , Z84, , Z84,XM307 ACSW Advanced Heavy Machine Gun

➽ Assault Rifle:-
ACR , AK-47 , AR-15 , Colt-LE901 , FN-SCARL , HK-47 , M-16 A4 , STEYR-AUG , Stoner-63, ACP-GLOCK-17, AK-74, DS-ARMS-FN, M-14, L1A1-SLR, Accuracy International AS50 Sniper Rifle , AR-15 Hunting Rifles.10 Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault Rifle F2000 Assault Rifle, HK416 Assault Rifle,FN FAL.

➽ Sniper Rifles:
Barrett-XM109 , Delije-Sever-1989 , Dragunov , L96-A1 , M2010 , STEYR-HS , U.S Army-M110.

➽ Machine Guns:-
BF4-M60E4 , Browning-M2 Heavy Machine Gun , Dillon-Aero M134D-H , FN-MINIMI(R) , MG-43 , Vickers-Berthier-MK1-Light Machine Gun.MG-43 , Machine Gun – Koch and Heckler HK MG4 MG 43,Thompson M1921 Submachine Gun,Vickers-Berthier-MK1-Light Machine Gun , M2HB 50-Caliber Machine Gun.

➽ Shotguns:-
Benelli-M2 , Benelli-Shotgun , Browning Auto-5 , Franchi-Space12 , Remmington-887-Nitro ,

➽ Launcher Guns:-
Bazooka-M20 , Carl-Gustov-M3 , LAW-79(Explosion Sound), M-41 , M-79 Grenade Launcher ,
M136-AT4(laser gun sound effect).


❶ Optimized Hi-Resolution real graphics
❷ Simple Trigger Shoot
❸ Don't Need to Reload bullets
❹ Original sound effects of firearm with easy user interface.
❺ Shoot with unlimited ammunition/magazine.
❻ All guns are open with no Gun-lock.
❼ Sound simulator and information about different fire arms.

➽ How to use the app:
❶ Click on the screen to shoot
❷ You can download this real gun sounds or real gun sounds ringing tones
❸ For the shot, you just need to click on the gun or hold it for a few shots
❹ This app is just for fun …and for entertainment.

✨ Simple application for fun and joke. Practically make you a gun master and helps you to note how guns and ammo sound when you shoot.
✨ ✨ Coming up with more weapons...!!!

Real Gun Sounds - Guns of Popular Shooting Games APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.0
14.95 MB
Aug 8, 2017