drawing is an activity activity shaping the image, using many choices of techniques and tools. It can also mean making certain marks on the surface by treating scratches from the drawing tools. Drawing is also a fun job. By drawing we can train our brains to be more creative. Drawing can also relax our moody state. Drawing can also express our circumstances or tell about us through the images we create.
The tools used for drawing are many, as we can use pencils, watercolors, or other stationery that can be used to create an image. But in this digital era there are so many applications that can be used in drawing and creating an image, starting from the easy by providing canvas and some color choices up to the most difficult and complete tools used.
In this app we can see a picture where we can train how to draw us by drawing dragon ball anime. This application of course you can use for free and also there are several choices of drawing dragon ball anime.