Yoga for Weight Loss Actively practicing can build a beautiful body
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Yoga for Weight Loss APK Description
Yoga for Weight Loss - Yoga Sanskrit (योग) means "union", which means "union with nature" or "unification with the Creator". Yoga is one of six in the teachings of Hindu philosophy, which focuses on meditation or tapa activity in which a person focuses his whole mind to control the senses and the body as a whole.
Global society generally recognize Yoga as its main training activity asana (postures) of Hatta Yoga. Yoga is also used as an alternative treatment, usually this is done with breathing exercises, body work and meditation, which has been known and practiced for over 5000 years.
People doing yoga tapa called yogis, for male practitioners yogin and yogini for female practitioners.
Hindu literature containing the teachings of Yoga, among which are Upaishad, Bhagavad Gita, Yogasutra, Hatta Yoga and some other literature.
Classification Yoga teachings contained in the Bhagavad Gita, among which are Karma Yoga / Marga, Jnana Yoga / Marga, Bakti Yoga / Marga, Raja Yoga / Marga.
Gymnastics yoga has been practiced since 4000 years ago. Western people have started to recognize this practice since last 30 years. They begin to feel the great benefits of practicing yoga, namely achieving flexibility and reducing stress.
Today, there are millions of Americans who are already reaping the benefits of yoga. That is why the development of yoga in America can not be called as a mere trend. American passion for yoga was more than just the need to practice or physical health, but it has become part of the lifestyle.
In addition to yoga centers that has spread almost throughout the country, supporting the completeness of the exercise also helped grow attached to them, such as T-shirts, pants, yoga mats, or other tools that are often used in physical exercise.
Yoga associations of various schools, such as lyengar Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and sebagamya formed in almost every state. And, last but not least, is the International Yoga Alliance (YES) dikreasi by the American people.
Almost like the United Nations, the organization seemed to want to be paying for the entire flow and yoga traditions that exist on earth. They create standards and regulations, such as the curriculum in training for yogis (teacher training).
Admittedly, the Americans are very good at making systematic, packed, then "market" yoga. Despite the fact we all know that yoga originated in India, thousands of kilometers across the American continent.