Tarneeb Lite APK

The first and best Tarneeb Cards Game.. And the smartest!
Published by  Android4Canada
903  Ratings237  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2016-05-13
Latest Version11.1
Size9.85 MB
Android version2.3 and up
Content RatingTeen


Tarneeb Lite APK screenshot 1Tarneeb Lite APK screenshot 1Tarneeb Lite APK screenshot 1

Tarneeb Lite APK Description

The #1 played game in the Middle East and even outside the Middle East.

Tarneeb, Tarnib, or even Trumps is a hearts like game. the game is played in teams and the winner team has to win the bid or break the other team bid. Very addictive game and a great one to kill some time anywhere you are.

This app allows you to play full game once per day up to score of 31 and it has:
- Single mode
- Online Mode
- LeaderBoard for both single and online modes

If you like it then please buy the full version which is the the ads-free full game and ability to change carpet

Tarneeb Lite APK Versions

Latest Version

v 11.1
9.85 MB
May 13, 2016