Greeting cards bought in stores, though beautiful, sometimes seem impersonal. Give the greeting card that has a personal touch to make it yourself! Your friends and family will be very happy to receive a card with a unique design in his mailbox. The manufacturing process is also not for your estimates. Fold a piece of paper into two. The paper type is best for making card A5 carton. A5-sized cardboard is strong enough, but it can be folded easily. Paperboard A4 is also used in the manufacture of the card. You can buy in the store cardboard feet works nearby. You can use any paper that is in the house. Creating the card is a good way to use leftover papers that would like to remove. If you have a large paper and oddly shaped, cut into a rectangle. Fold into two such papers Decide the object you wish to install the card. These objects can be images, stickers, beautiful writing, or even small objects and thin. You can also add a photo if the recipient has something special with you. Be creative use flickering powder, wire bristles, or whatever you have at home to make your card special. Think of the person who will receive your card and card ceremony. Are you going to give your grandma a card at Christmas? Perhaps by cutting a Christmas tree of paper and stick it on the front of the card will look beautiful. Prepare a draft with the object of your choice. There are several ways to do this. Coat a few sheets of paper under the color of the object. Getting to the top, the smaller the size of the paper. You can also create design image around the object or use a ruler to create a border around the object using a brightly colored pen. Attach the wire bristles around the edge of your card to make the outline of the three-dimensional. Decide whether you want to phrase his words are in the front of the card. You can buy a sticker with a sentence or write their own greeting. Do not surround words sentence before you paste it all.